Aims and Values
High expectations of all the children
Prior learning is recognised and built upon
All progress is celebrated.
Immersion in vocabulary-rich talk
Clear progression of key subject specific skills
Eight value-led learning behaviours
A knowledge-rich curriculum
Teaching and learning adapted to be accessible yet challenging for all learners.
Use of well-researched cognitive theories
Individual progress tracked carefully
Intervention work carried out and reviewed regularly
For our children to discover and reach their full academic potential
We aim to provide a high-quality education through a coherent curriculum journey so that everyone is challenged to think, make their best progress, secure powerful knowledge, language and skills, widening their horizons.
An integral thread of our eight Christian Values and the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning across all areas of the Curriculum to support children’s personal development and wellbeing.
Pupil voice: e-safety officers
Families’ Champion/Emotional Literacy Support Assistant work
Pupil responsibilities: shared code of conduct, playground leaders, learning buddies, monitors
Social intervention groups
Outside agency support
High adult to child ratio
Charity events: local, national
For our children to play an active, responsible role within the community
We aim to help children understand their responsibility as active citizens, charged with the vital task of understanding, shaping and caring for our beautiful, fragile World together.
Opening minds, widening horizons, developing a better world.
For our children to flourish and grow with strong moral and social values
We aim to create a happy, healthy, safe environment in which children are helped to learn and achieve as much as they possibly can in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect with the support of the family and the Diocese.
Our Global responsibility: Charity fund raising, Learning from the News – past and present, connecting with other communities
Our National understanding: Residential trips, visits, visitors, diversity and differences, British values,
Celebrating our locality: Local History and Geography studies, Inter-sporting and Arts events, Kyra East Kids Council, links with local secondary schools, local farming events, visitors, Lincolnshire Day celebrations, Local Beach Clean
Valuing our School Community: Church services, Special days, Festivals, weekly celebration assemblies, whole school social events, opportunities to talk, discuss and have their opinions heard
For our children to be happy, confident, committed learners
We aim to provide a broad, balanced curriculum, with a wide variety of engaging, authentic experiences that encourage our children to love learning, to be proud of their own efforts and to become open-minded, curious, creative problem solvers and storytellers.
Enjoyable, developmental, daily sessions of English and Maths, authentically linked when possible to other curricular areas
Real learning motivated by an audience and a purpose, polished and refined
Exploratory Science sessions
First hand experiences leading to the exploration of our World and self-knowledge
The use of technology and computing as an aid to communication, motivation, understanding and knowledge
Cross-curricular themes across a rolling programme linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage (Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, Creating and thinking critically) and National Curriculum Programmes of Study.
Two hours/week of a range of physical activities to encourage and promote a healthy lifestyle.