Our Learning Partners
“If you want to walk fast, walk alone.
If you want to walk far, walk together.”
At the beginning of the academic year, we entered into a formal partnership with Kyra Alliance. There is a growing commitment across all schools to care about the success of each other, the people involved and the linked achievements of every child in all schools.
We believe that each school has something of value to offer to the others and that we can learn much from each other, sharing ideas, resources, advice and critical friendship. Trust, with openness and honesty is growing between the Head teachers, staff and Governors across the schools.
We are identifying what each partner and each member of staff can offer to the others and what might be sought from the others. Over the year, the teachers in our four schools have, together, observed the pupils’ learning in reading and writing. We are constantly evaluating the impact of our partnership activities and judging their worth. As our trust grows, we are beginning to challenge each other and enjoy the benefits to help every child reach their potential.