Our Governing Body

The Governing Body at St. Helena’s Church of England Primary School consists of twelve Governors.

There is one committee;

  • the Fabrics Committee

To contact the Governors please email clerk@st-helenascofe.lincs.sch.uk

Meet the Governors

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Hayley Groves
Chair of Governors

Mrs Hayley Groves is a Parent Governor, elected by the parents of children at St. Helena's C of E Primary School from 18-12-23 until 17.12.27.

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Brian Quinn
Vice Chair of Governors

Mr Brian Quinn is a Co-Opted Governor appointed by the Governing Body from 04.07.22 to 03.07.26.

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Margaret Fulwood

Mrs Margaret Fulwood is a Local Authority Governor and was appointed by the Local Authority from 20-9-21 until 19-9-25.

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Alana Boxall
Chair of Fabrics

Mrs Alana Boxall is a Parent Governor, elected by the parents of children at St. Helena's C of E Primary School from 26.05.21 until 25.05.25

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Steve Eyre

Mr Steve Eyre is a Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Body from 13-5-23 until 12-5-27.

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Richard Butler

Mr Richard Butler is a Foundation Governor elected from 6-4-24 until 5-4-28

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Joshua Goddard

Mr Joshua Goddard is a Staff Governor elected by the staff from 16.04.24 until 15.04.28.

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Ed Anderson

Mr Anderson is the Headteacher and a Staff Governor by virtue of his office.

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Mariola Vernon

Mrs Mariola Vernon is a Parent Governor, elected by the parents of children at St. Helena's C of E Primary School from 09.02.24 to 08.02.28.

Former Governors

Sue Belton was Headteacher and Staff Governor by Virtue of her office until 31.08.23.

Mrs Joanne Askew was a Parent Governor until 09.02.24.

Ms Ruth Russell-Jones was a Foundation Governor until 05.04.24.

Mrs Kate Roberts was a Staff Governor until 16.04.24

Mr Phil Startin was a Parent Governor until 20.06.24

Mrs Karen Rinfret was an Associate Governor with no voting rights until 15.11.24

Governor Register of Interests and Attendance 2024-2025

Name of GovernorType of GovernorCommitteesBusiness & Pecuniary InterestsCommittee Meetings AttendedFull Meetings Attended
Steve EyreCo optedFabricsNone
Margaret FulwoodLocal AuthorityGrand-daughter in school
Ed AndersonHeadteacherFabricsGovernor at 2 other Primary Schools
Karen RinfretAssociate no voting rightsFabricsDaughter works in school
Hayley GrovesParentMamaBare Skincare & PJ Plumbing
Richard ButlerFoundationFabricsNone
Alana BoxallParentFabricsNone
Brian QuinnCo OptedFabricsNone
Joshua GoddardStaffNone
Mariola VernonParentNone
Linda StorrClerk to GovernorsNone

Governor Register of Interests and Attendance 2023-2024

Name of GovernorType of GovernorCommitteesBusiness & Pecuniary InterestsCommittee Meetings AttendedFull Meetings Attended
Steve EyreCo optedFabricsNone57
Margaret FulwoodLocal AuthorityNoneN/A8
Ed AndersonHeadteacherFabricsGovernor at 2 other Primary Schools68
Karen RinfretAssociate no voting rightsFabricsDaughter works in school58
Philip StartinParentNoneN/A5
Hayley GrovesParentMamaBare Skincare & PJ Plumbing16
Jo AskewParentAskews CarpetsN/A3
Richard ButlerFoundationFabricsNone46
Ruth Russell-JonesFoundationNoneN/A5
Kate RobertsStaffChild in schoolN/A5
Alana BoxallParentFabricsNone68
Brian QuinnCo OptedFabricsNone68
Joshua GoddardStaffNoneN/A2
Mariola VernonNoneN/A3
Linda StorrClerk to GovernorsWorks in school68